Violent Crime | Criminal Defense of Assault and Domestic Violence Charges
In the event of a charge involving assault and battery, physical attack, or threat of injury, you must protect your rights using an experienced criminal defense attorney. It can be hard to comprehend the complicated rules and procedures used in the criminal justice system. Jason Wilson helps you in protecting your rights and understanding the system. Jason understands that the unique situations involving your arrest can affect the outcome of your trial, including the severity of your penalty. Assault and battery can be a misdemeanor or felony, and the penalties can range from fines and community service, up to imprisonment. Further, a criminal conviction can always harm your potential education and job opportunities.
Types of Assault and Battery charges:
- Fighting
- Battery
- Simple assault
- Breach of Peace
- Disorderly Conduct
- Assault on a Female
- Assault with a deadly weapon
- Simple or Aggravated Affrays
- Assault with intent to kill or inflict serious injury
Assault charges may develop due to many different incidents and circumstances such as:
- Assault of a Child
- Sexual Battery
- Assault with a Deadly Weapon
- Assault on a Government Official
- Assault Inflicting Serious Injury
- Assault on a Female (domestic assault)
- Domestic Violence Restraining Orders (50B and 50C)
- Resisting, Obstructing or Delaying an Officer
In North Carolina, possible penalties can include substantial fines, probation, and prison, depending on if the crime is misdemeanor or a felony. Jason Wilson will fight as your criminal trial attorney, while working with prosecutors to achieve the best outcome for you.